
Pink Elephant, I Presume?

Happy {belated} Labor Day!  We packed the dogs in the car and took a trip up I-55 in search of Pre-war Bicycles and Bakelite... But we ended up coming home with some great photos instead!  

It was nice to have the extra day off to get outside and run around the great state of Illinois with the doggies. Judd and I took turns being sick this past week, so the fresh air was something we really needed.  The rain took a break, and we did some exploring around the grounds of one of our favorite Antique Malls- the Pink Elephant in Livingston, IL.  Not only does this renovated school gymnasium boast wall-to-wall ephemera on the inside, the incredible structures outside make it a roadside attraction! What "incredible structures", you ask? Have a look!

Did I mention they have the best Birthday Cake ice cream on the planet?

Even though we didn't find what we were looking for, we did find ourselves a wonderful little adventure!  Which was really the point anyways. In fact we had ourselves such a wonderful time that we decided to traverse further down I-55 about another thirty miles and hit up two other antique malls. It seemed the further out we traveled the more far-out the merchandise got. We actually fell in love with a lot of items at the last two malls... reclaimed wood from barns, old milk crates, and the local people!!! We recommend taking a weekend off from the city life, loading a cooler with snacks and drinks, and driving a good hour outside of your normal comfort zone. You never know what you might find or what might find you.

If you decide to do just that and you happen to find any old pre war bicycles or some beautiful bakelite, you know how to get ahold of us ;)


p + e


  1. 10/20/2012

    Hey! I live in stl and just found your blog! Love it! What little town did you find the antique malls in? I am always up for finding new antique malls!

    1. 10/20/2012

      Aw thank you, Sara!! The antique mall in the photos is in Livingston, IL- about an hour or less outside of St. Louis up I-55. When you get there, they have some yellow cards at the counter with a map of all of the other antique malls up 55. If you go about 25 miles past the one in Livingston, you'll hit the next 2, they're really much more rustic than the ones in STL. There's a ton of them in Springfield but we didn't make it that far with the dogs :) Let us know if you go, we'd love to hear about your trip!!

      xox -Jessa

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