

Tomorrow, Judd and I are headed to NASHVILLE!! We won't be back until next week (that means no blogging!!), but I can promise we will return with lots to share and a heap of photos.  If you have any suggestions of places to go, things to see, (or things to eat!) leave us a comment and we will do our best to check it out! Until then...

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xox, + happy [early] weekend!!

P + E


Instagram Weekend No. 5

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Sorry this post is so late!  We had a wonderful weekend catching up with friends, driving out into the country, having adventures with the dogs and going to the drive-in (again!! It's that awesome.) The trees everywhere were unbelievably gorgeous.  I constantly want to be outside this Fall!  How was your weekend?




Freebie: Rainy Day Bear Wallpaper

Rain, rain, go away!!  It's dreadfully wet and dreary here in St. Louis.  The weather's not a huge surprise; the Cardinals lost the NLCS last night, so the sky must be crying. On the bright side, I think it's the perfect time to send this cheery little bear out into the universe ♥.  I really hope you enjoy him!!

Download this wallpaper for your iPhone.

 Download this wallpaper for your desktop.

To download free wallpapers of my other woodland friends, try here and here.  And if you want more, all three are available for sale in several incarnations at Society6 :)

Have a happy Tuesday!!


P + E


Jessa's Handwriting Font!

After years of being criticized for legibility, my handwriting has beaten the odds and found it's way to the internet!!  Take that, fifth grade teacher!!  You can download Jessa Hand for free at dafont.com, and forge my signature to your heart's content :)


P + E


Instagram Weekend No. 4

I'm thankful for:

Old Drive-Ins...Chili with friends...Kitties on rooftops...Pumpkin Pie Concretes...Walks in the park...Yellow, red, and orange leaves...Acorns and pinecones...Hard cider...Having fun with my doggies, kitty, and the man of my dreams ♥

What a great weekend!




DIY: Pumpkin Painting

What is it about pumpkins that makes them so lovable?  They come in so many different shapes and sizes, and there are a million fantastic tutorials out there for carving, painting, and decorating these handsome fruits (yes, pumpkins actually belong to the berry family!)  I've always been especially fond of vintage halloween pumpkin images, complete with wide grins, ghostly eyes, and triangle noses.  But there are no vintage style jack-o-lantern DIYs on Pinterest!!! How can this be?  I'm remedying that situation...right...now!  Here's a (almost too thorough) step-by-step of how I painted this punkin', so you can make one too!

This is super easy to do as long as you break it down into simple shapes.  All you need is a pumpkin of any size, acrylic paint in whatever colors you like (I used primary colors and white), a medium brush and a small brush for line work, and a glass of water.  And just a little water on a rag will wipe up any mistakes.  You can also clean up edges and add detail with a damp Q-tip.  

1.  Paint two white circles or ovals for eyes.  Outline in black (navy).  Add a small circle in the center of each eye.

2.  Using your outline brush, paint a red circle around the center circle in each eye.

3.  Repeat with yellow, then again with red, creating a bulls-eye.  Add white fleck for reflection if you'd like.

4.  Paint two narrow triangles at an angle from the center of the pupil through the whole eye as shown.  

5.  With a dry brush, lightly draw in a curved, half-moon shape for the mouth.  This way, you can map out exactly where you'd like it to go, and make sure the grin is even.  Once you have it outlined, fill in the entire mouth with white.  Once that's dry,  use your thin brush to outline the mouth with red.  I added some little bags under his eyes at this stage too.

6.  Carefully paint black vertical lines with your thin brush, and space them equally apart.  Slowly draw a curved horizontal line from left to right across the smile to finish the teeth.  If you paint slowly with a fluid motion and line up the brush so that you are passing through the center of each vertical line as you go, the teeth will turn out pretty darn straight!  

7.  This part is really fun!  Take your outline brush and paint red "u" shapes along the bottom to create the shape of gums.  Let the black vertical lines you just painted serve as guides.  Do the same thing on the top but turn those "u"s upside-down.  Mix a little red and white, and fill in the newly created shapes with pink.

8.  Make three small dots in red to map out your triangle nose.  Keep the negative space between the triangle and the eyes and lips equidistant (that will help you make a pretty even triangle!) Outline with white, black (navy), whatever you'd like.  I did a little dotted line action, myself.  Add any other details (eyebrows) that you'd like, and BAM!  You've got yourself a pretty cool vintage style pumpkin!

Now have some fun with him!


P + E


WINNER: Ablution 33 Giveaway!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered our latest giveaway!  Time to announce our winner.....

Congratulations to the winner of our Ablution 33 lip scrub and balm giveaway, Chantal (entry #425)!!!  We will send your package out ASAP,  hope you like it, lucky duck!!  




Instagram Weekend No. 3

I had the best weekend you guys!!  Friday night, Judd and I went to see ROB ZOMBIE!!! You probably don't know this but I am a HUGE Zombie fan.  In fact, just a few months after we started dating, Judd and I won tickets and went to the Rob Zombie show, and because of sheer dumb luck (and an awesome boyfriend pushing me toward the aisle) I got to kiss (and wrap my legs around) Rob Zombie before I was pulled off by his security.  Yes, unfortunately, when it comes to Rob Zombie or Eddie Vedder (and to a slightly lesser extent, Chris Cornell and Glenn Danzig),  I am THAT girl.  Don't worry, there was no throwing my 27-year-old self on an unsuspecting Rock God this time around.  I just froze my tail off on the lawn and screamed the lyrics from "MARS NEEDS WOMEN" to "THUNDERKISS 65" with my handsome Judd!

Saturday, my crafty bud Ann came over and we made some Halloween wreaths. Ann made hers with black feathers and tulle, mine has purple glitter spiders.  We even redecorated my place a bit too! I always have the best time with Ann ♥. She's going to be in on some P+E craft projects in the future, so keep your eyes peeled for her! I'll see if Judd can salvage the crappy photos I took of our wreaths so I can post them here.  

Sunday was the first Sunday Judd had off in months (YAY!) so we drove out to Illinois and visited the Eckert's pumpkin patch.  We had the dogs with us, so we didn't stay long enough to go pick our own (we will go back for that!) but we got a few little pumpkins and a pecan pie.  And we managed to squeeze in a round of mini golf! I also painted a vintage-inspired pumpkin: photos/tutorial coming soon!

How was your weekend?




Snooty Deer: Free Wallpaper Download

"Oh, hello again, Monday.  Fancy seeing you here."  

It can be hard starting up a new workweek, especially when the weather's chilly and you just want to stay cuddled up in bed.  This cute little stubborn deerie is a fun way to express how you really feel- go ahead and download him for free as a iPhone or desktop wallpaper!  I had such a positive reaction to the little fox I posted last week (thank you!), I decided to make several forest critter wallpapers for each season to share with you.  If we're Facebook friends, you'll never miss a free wallpaper - I'll post a picture on FB every time I have a new one :)  

 Download this wallpaper for your desktop.

 Download this wallpaper for your iPhone.

If you'd like to see more of this little deer, check out my society6 shop.  You can find this one and several more of my designs on iPhone cases, tote bags, t-shirts, hoodies, skins, and prints!  I can't give these items away, but the shipping is free through October 14th, 2012 if you use this code.

I hope you enjoy my "snooty deer". What other animals do you think of when you think of Fall?  Send me your suggestions and you might just inspire the next wallpaper download!


P + E


Abultion 33 GIVEAWAY!

It's been just over a week since our Ablution 33 shop feature, and the post has over 3,000 page views!  It's awesome to see so much interest in natural bath and body items, and to see Ablution 33 get the attention it deserves!  To thank you, we have a special surprise in store...

I'm really excited to announce that Jess from Ablution 33 is giving one reader a gift set featuring her two most amazing lip products:  Lips Like Sugar (the scrub I rave about!) and Kiss of Death (the "just-bitten" tinted lip balm).  Just follow the simple steps to enter our Rafflecopter giveaway at the end of this post, and you could win them both!  

Here's the specifics.  The winner of this giveaway will receive two handmade, natural Ablution 33 products, wrapped in a cute little craft paper gift box: one 2oz Lemon Vanilla flavored Lips Like Sugar Lip Scrub, and one 1oz Peppermint flavored Kiss of Death naturally tinted Lip Balm.  The winner of this giveaway must be a US resident; we ship at our own expense and are only shipping to US addresses at this time.  You must be 18 or older to enter.  We use Rafflecopter to randomly select a winner.  If you like, you can enter multiple times by following the Rafflecopter prompts.  We will announce the winner on this blog and also email them directly, so make sure you use an active email address when entering!

You have until 12:01 a.m. EST on October 10, 2012 to enter!


Don't forget to check out the rest of Jess' amazing organic products at Ablution 33.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


P + E


Hello, Autumn!: Free Wallpaper Download

Fall is already shaping up to be a busy season for Judd and me, and although there's lots of fun ahead, a full schedule can be stressful. While procrastinating, I doodled this handsome little tea drinker. He just makes me smile- like a little foxy stress reliever! So I made him into a wallpaper for both your computer desktop and your iPhone.  Hope he makes you smile too! 

 Download this wallpaper for your desktop.

Download this wallpaper for your iPhone.

Have a happy, happy Fall, and enjoy this freebie!


P + E


Eats: Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

Here in the midwest, autumn came out of nowhere.  Suddenly, we're wearing our cardigans, we've pulled out our boots, and the trees have turned auburn and gold overnight.  I love fall.  I'm one of those girls who loves to snuggle and watch movies, with pumpkin scented candles, drinking pumpkin lattes with soy.  I guess you could say I'm a pumpkin addict :)  So over the weekend, I messed up the kitchen (thank you, Judd for cleaning up!) and whipped up my favorite autumn cupcakes:  Pumpkin Pie Spice with Cinnamon Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting.  YUM! Making these from scratch is certainly worth the work, so today I'm sharing my recipe to welcome fall ♥

It's my personal belief that organic ingredients not only taste better, but keep you feeling good.  It doesn't have to be expensive.  I bought most of my ingredients from Trader Joe's.  Check them out if you haven't- it's really a fantastic store.  Also, instead of finding a million spices and mixing them up, try Pumpkin Pie Spice from Mountain Rose Herbs.  I got a big bag fairly cheap from them, and I LOVE their web store.  They have a fine selection of organic products at wonderful prices. And you don't have to be in Oregon to get them!  SO brew some hot tea, look this recipe over, and if you feel the urge, get to baking!

Even if you don't make the cupcakes, try this icing! It's seriously the most amazing icing I have ever tasted. And how can anyone say 'no' to cream cheese!! Hope you love them as much as we do!



P + E


Dots & Stripes

I've always loved ampersands.  I really don't know why. They're just so unique... alluring... quirky... curvy!  I'm so into the shorthand, there's even an (improper simplification of the) ampersand in our blog title ('cause we're cool like that).  With this pre-existing ampersand love, you can imagine how excited I was when we received this awesome piece of craftsmanship in the mail from Caytlyn and Jordan of Dots & Stripes!

Caytlyn and I started a correspondence a few months ago, and found we have a lot in common.  We both are relatively new bloggers, adore graphic design, and have recently launched small business online with our significant others.  I adore her design work and dig her style, so when she told me she and Jordan were about to drop new line of reclaimed wood signs I freaked!  The quality and personality of this collection is impressive. We love our Dots & Stripes ampersand, and I've already got my eyes on another piece- the "lucky" sign! 

Judd and I were super excited to take our Pearl & Earl photo.  And as if we weren't being literal enough, we thought we'd rock the polkadots and stripes to pay homage to our new friends' awesome shop!

Like many handmade start-ups, Dots & Stripes began as a personal project.  Caytlyn asked Jordan to make an "EAT" sign for their kitchen, and that little sign gave way to a business.  Their passion for decorating their home and DIY projects inspired them to branch out and open shop.

With the finesse of a skilled designer, Caytlyn adds her super cute branding in the details.  I love how the hand-stamped accents blend Caytlyn's personal touch with Jordan's skillful woodwork.  Dots + Stripes signs even come with a nail, adhered to the back with super cute washi tape, so they're 100% ready to hang!  Pick any of their designs in a rainbow of colors: Teal (as shown), Yellow, Tangerine, Red, Pink, Natural (wood) and Natural Dark.  You can find them here.

These designs make both fantastic photo props and lovely decorations for your home.  We had so much fun playing with our ampersand until it finally settled on our side table!

Remember, these signs are just the first installment of the Dots & Stripes brand - I can't wait see what else is in store!  Thank you, Caytlyn & Jordan for sharing your awesome collaborations!  We ♥ D&S! 

And if you love good design as much as I do, check out Caytlyn's blog, Love Design + Sunshine!  You can keep see some behind the scenes of Dots & Stripes, DIYs, Caytlyn's personal musings, and of course, fantastic graphic design.  I'm a devoted follower :) you should be too!  


P + E


Instagram Weekend No. 2

 Frozen Custard Turtles!

Hiking at Castlewood State Park

  My old home town of Collinsville, IL

 Sundaes for the pups too!

 Dots & Stripes!


 We've infiltrated Alton!
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