
Back to School Bookworm

We hope you enjoy this back to school themed treasury!  We took a little old, a little new, and collaborations of the two, to bring you a grouping that is both nostalgic and current.  I personally think the Pink Pearl USB drive is genius!  The "Where the Wild Things Are" globe and National Parks checklist map are super high on my wish list too.  This treasury makes me miss the smell of old library books!  What little things do you remember about going back to school?

Einstein Journal, Mini Noteb...
Arcadian Watercolors - vinta...
Vintage School Desk. Wood. W...
10- 4"mini twig color p...
small round glasses tortoise...
Vintage Folding Wooden Ruler...
Wood Ring Globes made from N...
Vintage 1930's School Bo...
Vintage Twill Book Strap, Sc...
Vintage Brown Leather Satche...
Where The Wild Things Are Gl...
Vintage Paint Brush Instant ...
National Parks Checklist Map...
Magic Brain Calculator, Old ...
2GB Pink Pearl Eraser USB Fl...
Treasury tool supported by the dog house


P + E


Rainy Day DIY- Painted Trophies

This morning, we woke up to rain.  Rain!  It was so lovely to see, I can't remember the last time it rained.  We had been planning some DIYs, and decided to put our blog writing on the back burner and be crafty today!  Rainy day crafts are the best, don't you think?  We ventured out to the store to buy some acrylic paints, then home, then back, because I forgot to pick up gold paint, and Judd knows how Jessa gets when she doesn't have just what she has in mind.  Haha!  What a great guy!  Before coming home, we trolled the alleyways of Tower Grove looking for some scrap wood.  Totally unrelated to the DIY project, but we had a blast, and found a great palate that actually fit in the trunk. And the dogs loved the car ride, so I thought I'd mention it!  

Finally we returned home, and sprawled everything out on the floor, turned on some Elvis (I LOVE me some EAP), and got down to business... I mean, TCB!!  Judd is a very clean painter... I, on the other hand....

Yin + Yang

Ready For Adventure: The Riverside Flea Market

Saturday morning, our friends Brigham + Lucy picked us up and we piled into their Fit, ready for adventure.  We were headed to Grafton, Illinois for our very first taste of the Riverside Flea Market.  The drive was beautiful, and as we pulled into town, we all felt a strange sensation of being somewhere else, more than an hour or so outside of the metropolitan area.  There was the sweet smell of kettle corn in the air, and the attached restaurant and it's sprawling deck out to the river conjured the illusion that we were seaside.  The decks were painted with bright yellow umbrellas, shading clusters of laughing, carefree people.  We knew right away that the picnic we had planned would be replaced with a frosty drink and a riverside view.

The overall view //  Brigham + Lucy and a duck


A Smile Sent Will Always Return

The little things in life mean so much. My fondest memories are made up of things like walks on Jones' beach with Judd and our pups, sharing ice cream with friends I hadn't seen in ages, and running through cool rain on a hot summers day with this man of my dreams. One of my very favorite feelings is the excitement of tearing through a brown paper parcel, and as luck would have it, today I was greeted by a lovely little package from a thoughtful friend!  Inside I found something beautiful, made with love, care and tremendous skill.  I was so ecstatic I'm sure I squealed!  I couldn't wait to photograph it to share with you!


'Desaturation' + Etsy Announcement

Judd and I have been diehard Etsy shoppers for a few years now, and we love sharing our favorite finds. We've gushed about handmade bow ties and the miracle that is tooth powder.  We've swapped stories and sent our loved ones to our most prized shops. We've picked favorites, made treasuries, and even began to post them on our blog. Last year, we had an Etsy Christmas. But there is one way we haven't supported Etsy. We have not had a giveaway. That's right, a giveaway!

So guess what we're going to do?  We've talked it over with our new friends, and we've got some goodies coming your way!  That's right... we're hosting giveaways!!! I can't disclose the super secret details just yet, but there will be some surprises in store for friends to the P + E blog.  So come back and check us out, daily if you so please, and get excited for a good chance to win something truly unique and selected just for you!  There are going to be some Etsy seller features up here too! 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to support small business, handmade, and local.  With Etsy, you can be sure you are doing just that ♥    

I'm Excited!!  You should be too.  Until then, here's a treasury courtesy of Judd + me!


“My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and white” -Monty Python

Oh Hello There Banner B...

Danish style Hallmark T...

Wolf Original Papercut ...

Vintage Seltzer Bottle ...

Time To Get Things Done...

vintage cash register p...

So hip for Judd

cat eye glasses white v...

Antique Underwood Model...

SALT and PEPPER cellars...

White Paper Twine on a ...

Handmade Embroidered Pr...

Fortune Teller Hand Stu...

Mermaid Seascape

Black and White Landsca...

Black and White Arrow R...
Treasury tool supported by the dog house

*Note the bicycle photo- it says "Judd" in the window.  He almost fell over when I showed him this.  


P + E


Are you naked?!!!

Well everybody it's that time of year again. Time for the fifth annual World Naked Bike Ride! If you've never had the pleasure of attending this event, you have no idea of the fun you're missing out on. There are dancing bears, body painting, snacks, guitars, and a whole lot of naked people. Ok, so the dancing bear part is an illustrious ruse to get you there, but still, it's without a doubt one of the best times you could have in St. Louie. 

The annual ride promotes acceptance of your body, and everyone else's, and alternative means of transportation. Not to mention, it's a fun ride through the city that always ends with a gigantic party. It's happening this Saturday, July 28th, at 8 p.m. The ride will depart from the South Grand Parking Lot, more specifically, 3500 Hartford Street. As always, before the ride you can partake in live music, body painting, an expo for local businesses, open mic, and an awards ceremony for the best decorated bicycle.

I participated in this event two years ago and I cannot remember ever having so much fun. After the initial shock of being naked in the outside world wears off, which happens rather quickly as everyone else in naked, you really have a chance to absorb the atmosphere of this wondrous event. Even if you're shy I recommend checking this out. No one ever said you had to participate, in fact, a lot of people that show up just come for the laughs and memories. Hope to see you there!!!

Above you'll find some optional naked bike riding attire.


It's come to our attention that you haven't seen much of us here on the P+E blog.  So here's a quick little how-do-you-do!  I'm Jessa, and over there is Judd.  We are artists, designers, photographers, laughers, criers, crafters, pranksters, (bad) singers, thrifters, animal lovers.  Oh and we don't eat meat either.  We live in St. Louis, and have two dogs: Neko and Alabama, and a kitty: Isabey (named for the best paint brush brand in the world of course!)  It's almost impossible to spot her in the picture below, but I promise, she's there.   The five of us can get pretty rambunctious!

I'm about the clumsiest person in the world, and Judd is a pretty good "Mister fix-it", so basically we're like peas and carrots!  Our favorite band is Pearl Jam, yes both of us.  We don't own a tv.  I know that its silly that we have a tv on our banner and don't own one, but, that's satire for ya!  We also don't have a microwave, so we actually cook stuff (well, Judd does anyway) ♥. We love making new friends and having adventures.  Shoot us a message so we can get to  know you too!


P + E


Frankenbike comes to town!!!

Not many things can make me act like a child, but bicycles are one of them. When I'm fortunate enough to be within close proximity to a bike show or swap meet, you can pretty much bet on me being there. Last Saturday, in the wonderful neighborhood known to locals as "The Grove", Saint Louis welcomed it's first annual Frankenbike Swap meet. Frankenbike is a traveling Bicycle swap meet that was started in San Antonio. We had a chance to speak with the fine gentleman, Chris, that came up with this idea. To say the least, he was amazing. He had free stickers and spoke cards and he was also selling t-shirts. For it's first endeavor here in the Gateway to the West, it was modest, but very exciting. It was held in the parking lot of Randy's Recycled Cycles. A special THANK YOU to them for hosting this event. As I'm sure most of you already know, but for those of you that don't, swap meets are a fantastic place to find new and used parts for your vintage cruisers, middleweights, and high end bikes. The beauty of the swap meet is simple.. great prices and great people. 

We exchanged numbers with a few vendors and even found time to shop. We were fortunate enough to buy some parts from Anthony and Krista. They ride, as a part of the , every Monday evening at 7:30. They take a simple 10-15 mile ride around the town starting at Turkish Hall in Tower Grove Park and they usually finish at a bar. Nothing tastes better after a ride than a handcrafted Saint Louis beer. Icy, cold, delicious and local. In fact, I think I'll have one after I finish this post.  

I was lucky enough to find some parts for upcoming Rat Rod projects and man-o-man did I get away with highway robbery. I found some old school Schwinn stem shifters for my road bike and I bartered the man down to Ten bucks for them.(Being a man, there's nothing more gratifying then bartering with a salesman) I also found a new drop stem for my road bike and the piece de resistance was the handlebar set off of an old Schwinn middleweight that came with the three speed shifter, red glitter grips and the brake levers and I scored that beauty for a whopping Five bucks!!! I told you, the deals are amazing. If your fortunate enough to live in a city that Frankenbike is coming to, I highly suggest you take an hour or two out of your day and go to it, or any other swap meet for that matter. Trust me, even if you don't find anything to buy, I promise you'll have fun looking at all the bikes. Now it think it's time for that beer!


Vegetarian Sliders (not just for carnivore's anymore)

So I do quite a bit of the cooking around our humble abode and Jessa will vouch for me when I tell you, that I'm a Jackson Pollock when it comes to food. By no means are my measurements precise or even well thought out. Like Mr. Pollock's art work, I tend to throw things together and see what our taste bud's think of it. Sometimes good, sometimes really good, and occasionally I ask Jessa what she thinks of it and she just gives me a loving smile... and I know to never make that again. Jessa's my canvas and she lets me throw whatever colors I want on her and if she doesn't like the combo she'll throw it right back at me. It's a relationship an amateur cook dreams about. After all, every good cook knows, you cannot create delectable eats without making some disastrous doozies along the way.

We debated for while what we should feature as our first official food post. When we were done debating, we continued debating, then, it was like someone pulled a chain and a light bulb lit up above Jessa's head. Instead of breaking out the big guns right away, why not start like everything in life... small! We thought it best to let the proverbial flower blossom. We went back to the roots of our relationship and decided to share with you, what Jessa had once shared with me. Jessa has been a vegetarian for most of her life and I have been a practicing vegetarian for a little over four years. When I was a carnivore  there was one thing I could never turn down... a burger. I had missed them so much until Jessa shared her recipe with me. 

Being an ex-carnie (pun intended) I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into her vegetarian sliders. I was delighted. I was hooked. I was in love. Not only are these little treats quick and easy, their perfect for anyone who only has what seems like moments for lunch, and in today's world I'm guessing that's almost all of us. These are my go-to treats for BBQ's, social gatherings, picnics or anytime I feel the need for a burger. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. And remember, cooking in the kitchen is meant to be shared with the person you love, no matter what you're making. So get in that kitchen with your other half and have some fun and please, don't be scared to throw some flour at each other  while you're in there. You never know, you might just make some memories while you're making dinner, or lunch in this case!!!


Here's what you'll need. Don't be scared to experiment. Create these to suit your own personal tastes. These are suited to ours!!!

1 package of Morning Star Vegetarian Sausage patties (later on we'll post a veggie burger recipe that you can substitute for the Morning Star Patties)
1 package of King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls
1 Avocado pitted and scooped clean of the skin
1/4 of an onion finely chopped
1 Roma tomato cut into 6 slices
3/4 of an oz. of Goat Cheese
6 small slices of Dubliner Cheese
A handful of spinach

Follow the directions on the box for cooking the Morning Star Sausage. While you're waiting for the oven to pre-heat go ahead and chop up your onion. I prefer a red onion for the taste and the flavor, but you use what you feel comfortable with. After you've chopped some onion go ahead and slice up your tomato. You can usually get six quarter inch wide slices out of one good size roma tomato. When you're finished with the tomato, slice up some Dubliner. Set all this aside and by this point your oven should be preheated. Go ahead and put in the patties. They take about twelve minutes to cook, I usually go about fifteen and flip them half way through. At this point, open up your avocado and scoop it into a bowl. Then add that goat cheese to the avocado and mash it up together. What you're left with is a very tart pastel green paste. Half way between cheese and guacamole consistency. Always do that last as the avocado will turn brown quicker the longer it's exposed to the air. Now at this point do a happy dance because you're almost done, and there's always time to dance! 

Pull out those delicious Hawaiian sweet rolls and begin separating the top from the bottoms. When you've got about 2-3 minutes left on the patties throw the buns in the oven face down toward the burner and toast those little buns. Also, add the slices of Dubliner to the top of the patties. Rinse your handful of spinach and prepare yourself, you're almost done. Once the timer goes off, pull out the buns first and arrange them to build the Sliders. Coat the top of the buns with the avocado concoction, grab a pinch of spinach for the bottom of the buns, throw a tomato slice on top of the spinach, sprinkle some onion on top of the avocado and grab a veggie patty and place it atop the tomato. Put your top bun on top of the patty and SHAZAM you've got yourself Six Vegetarian Sliders. Add whatever condiments you deem worthy and Enjoy!!!

This recipe comes with a disclaimer though... once you eat one, you're just going to want one more!!!


Belleville Flea Market

Judd and I made our monthly pilgrimage to the Belleville Flea Market today, and as usual, it did not disappoint! We saw some friends and made some killer finds.  I was able to score two darling bakelite pieces for my collection, and we also grabbed up some materials for a few upcoming DIY tutorials, so be on the lookout for those!  

It was wonderful having a quick visit with my friend, Cindy, who has the most beautiful bakelite collection I've seen east of the Mississippi.  Apparently she only brings a sampling of her collection to her booth- can you imagine?!  Judd was eager to snap some photos of her bangles.  FYI, I call the deeply carved yellow one as soon as I can scrape up the cash!  I think she's got it on mental layaway for me :)  

Cindy introduced me to a lovely woman named Joan who has her own gorgeous bakelite stash and I am happy to report that I snagged two bangles in my favorite colors- cherry and butterscotch.  I was already wearing a cherry twist bangle I got from Cindy on our last visit so I was excited to rock the trio for the rest of the day.  Joan was so friendly and sweet-  any of our local readers must go visit both her and Cindy!

To my retro-loving ladies: I really encourage you to collect and wear Bakelite!  It is really something special.  I wear it daily, not only because it is beautiful, but the thought of wearing and preserving history is so exciting!  And let me tell you, these puppies go up and up in value.  Wouldn't it be nice to collect something that you can treasure and hand down to your children? Something that is rare and valuable and that none of their friends will have?  I, for one, won't let Bakelite be forgotten. Wear it proudly girls!

So here are our finds!  The mason jars are from Chicken Coop Antiques.  Look for them in our upcoming DIY hanging mason jar lamp tutorial.  We'll be using the wood crate as a new home for the cacti that we will pull from the large terrarium described in the DIY post found here.  We'll share that story on the blog when the transplant goes down!

The Belleville Flea Market is at Belle-Claire Fairgrounds on the third Saturday + Sunday of each month, and trust me, St. Louisans, it is well worth the trip!  


P + E

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